You are likely to find that 80% of your organic traffic comes through Google, which is why it is considered one of the most important sources of traffic in the world. So impressing the big G will definitely take your site places; getting on the front page of this major search engine can be done if you focus on a few factors. Acne treatment reviews

You should try to get as many links as possible from .edu sites because Google considers them to be very powerful. Having a good look around will reveal that getting .edu links to your site isn't all that complicated. The reason these backlinks are given so much weight is that they come from sites that are academic and are trusted.

Google can then make a decision based on facts regarding where that particular site should be ranked because clearly a site receiving a link from an academic source must have something good. So put your effort into getting a few .edu backlinks here and there to make a good impression on the search engine. Acne scars home remedies

Do your best to be the first site that publishes relevant news to your niche. This is the approach tech blogs like Mashable and TechCrunch use and they are always at the top of the SERPs.

Even if your website is not a content oriented site, you can always add a blog to it where you can post about the latest industry news. Being updated will help you keep your visitors updated, which ultimately helps you grow your position in the eyes of Google and maintain it.

Many people don't know but having quality content on your site that's written in proper English and grammar gets more attention from Google. You actually do get a boost for making sure you use good English in your content. It is important for your content to be well-written because Google wants to offer quality and relevant information. It's actually sad that many good websites end up not getting on the first page just because they didn't focus on this one aspect. Read through your article and check for spelling and grammar mistakes before posting it.

In fact, you should get another person to go through and proofread it, to ensure you haven't missed anything. Since many people ignore this issue, you will only find quality sites ranking highly. Natural remedies

If you have the right information and knowledge, getting to the top of the SERPs in Google isn't too complicated. If your site is pretty new, it will take a little longer but if you are persistent you don't need to worry because you will win in the end.